Wednesday 30 August 2017

IDEA TWO: Virus Location Recce

For this idea, I have chosen my location and have taken pictures in the areas where the film will take place.

For my location, I have chosen to base my short film within average-sized house. This can give the sense of realism and help portray the negative message that people rely on technology so much that they do not need to leave the house to know what is going on in the world.

In this short film, we felt that most of it should be set in the kitchen where the person would be sitting at the table on their laptop. Again, supporting the message that people spend too much time in one spot, using technology.

I have taken pictures of the laptop using more than one shot which we will include in our filming if we chose to go forward with this idea. It will also allow the audience to see what the entire room looks like instead of only being able to see it through the use of one angle.

The use of colours in the mise-en-scene can be important in the narrative and mood throughout the film. For example, in the kitchen, there is lots of white shown and the colour white is known to connote innocence, safety and the idea of being clean. However, the narrative goes against the idea of safety due to the people who live here not being protected by this virus in their own home. It also counteracts the idea of being clean as people suffering with virus generally feel as though they are dirty.

In addition, the uses of the colour grey is associated with the meanings of dull, dirty and emptiness. Therefore, the grey is used to describe the virus itself. It can also be associated with loss and depression in which the virus is causing as there are many deaths and loss of loved ones.

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