Wednesday 25 October 2017

Feedback For REAPER First Edit

Teacher's Feedback

Above, is feedback I sought early from my teacher. From this, I will try to tackle all the advise given. The reason for this is because by looking at the specification and previous examiners reports, this feedback will ensure I meet the the specification for a level 4 grade. It will also amend our short film, so that are final piece can not be seen as an opening or trailer. 

In previous examiners reports they have stated that a large amount of the short films came across as an opening or a trailer. Therefore, we do not want to give any chance of the film being listed as an opening. The way this will be adjusted is that, we will add extra shots to create two parallel narratives going on at the same time, so that the story is clear by the end to the audience. This eliminates any uncertainty that lies within the audience of why the antagonist is there, or why the protagonist is doing the things she is. 

Furthermore, the reports have also 'red flagged'  the endings of the majority of short films. The problems that occur is that the ending doesn't make sense. Moreover,  they have also suggested that if there is too much of a cliff hanger, the viewers were confused. This leads it to the thought of being an opening rather than a short film. To then take this on board we will use extra shots of the outcomes of the antagonist attacks. Therefore, the ending will make sense as well as not leaving it on a cliff hanger, due to a possibility of it being portrayed as an opening.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

REAPER - First Edit

Poster To Film? Questionnaire Feedback

As you can see in the picture above is the response I got back on my final poster.

I was shocked to see firstly; so many responses and then secondly having a 100% successful questionnaire.

I published this on;
  • REAPER's Facebook page.
  • My individual Facebook page.
  • My friends and family emails.
  • My teacher and peers email.
  • My instagram, snapchat and twitter.
After this feedback, I can confirm REAPER's poster is complete.

Friday 20 October 2017

REAPER Facebook Page

   REAPER short film, now has it's own Facebook. 
   The pictures show the start of Facebook Page for the film.

 It has only been created for one day now, but will be used for the promotion of REAPER.

The first thing we did, which is evident in the pictures supplied, is that we uploaded REAPER's Film Poster, to straight away, advertise the film.

The poster has the Facebook logo on it, so that they can see this page for further information of the film.

The page will also being a release platform for the short too. Therefore, the viewers can see the final cut of the film immediately on this Facebook page, hence widening marketing and viewing platforms for the  film.

The page will include teasers, drafts, posters, reviews, pictures and updates for the film.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Final Poster


  • Large title - represents font and style of the film.
  • Picture - creating enigma, large to attract audience but does not reveal much, just enough to highlight main antagonist and genre.
  • Facebook - takes audience to page for film and boosts profile.
  • YouTube - shows where you view the film in addition to Facebook.
  • Web Link - takes audience to viewing platform, another option alongside Facebook & YouTube for the audience preference.
  • Credits - to show who's product & involved.
  • Date- to highlight it is a horror film, due to being date of halloween.

Friday 13 October 2017

Finalising Poster One


After creating three posters, I then posted a questionnaire which showed that poster one is the best or most favourable.

From this I want to work with poster one to finalize the poster for REAPER.

This is the current poster.

For the future:

  • Where a black smudge of paint is beneath the title, that space needs something there, in order to make it look complete.
    • Ideas include a date or caption.
  • Social Media logos which are relevant to film need to be added.
    • Facebook and YouTube are relevant.

Thursday 12 October 2017

Organising Filming & Re-Filming

The picture above shows the chat between me and my colleague. 
This states and organises our filming availability.
We also had to make sure our actors are also available, which was already checked before.

We also organised the re-filming dates if needed. 

This was a successful method to communicate.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Poster Questionnaire & Responses

For our short film, we needed to create a poster. Above is the three final posters I made for my short film, which I then transferred to a questionnaire and opened up to the public.
This poster questionnaire was available on;

  • Email
  • Google Drive
  • REAPER Facebook page
  • Twitter

From this research, we gained a wide range of responses, which you see the choice count for the questionnaire. You can see that poster one gained the most votes, which means that it is most likely to capture a higher number of viewers for the film.

With these results, I am now taking on poster one, which will be advertised around social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, in addition to posting them around sixth forms, due to target audience of 15-24.

Sunday 8 October 2017

Poster Three

This is poster three.

  • Large title - represents font and style of the film.
  • Picture - creating enigma, large to attract audience but does not reveal much, just enough to highlight main antagonist and genre.
  • Facebook - takes audience to page for film and boosts profile.
  • YouTube - shows where you view the film in addition to Facebook.
  • Credits - to show who's product & involved.

Saturday 7 October 2017

Poster Two

This is poster two.
  • Picture - creating enigma, large to attract audience but does not reveal much, just enough to highlight main antagonist and genre.
  • Web Link - takes audience to viewing platform, another option alongside Facebook & YouTube for the audience preference. It includes external sources to visit such as social media sites.
  • Credits - to show who's product & involved.
  • Date- to highlight it is a horror film, due to being date of Halloween.
  • Large title - represents font and style of the film.

Friday 6 October 2017

Poster One

This is poster one.


  • Large title - represents font and style of the film.
  • Picture - creating enigma, large to attract audience but does not reveal much, just enough to highlight main antagonist and genre.
  • Web Link - takes audience to viewing platform.
  • Credits - to show who's product & involved.
  • Glitch effect - creates mystery, also representative of film.

Monday 2 October 2017

Mock Poster

This is the first template of the poster.

We gained feedback in addition to self-evaluating. From this I awoken to the fact that 'in theaters 31.10.17' needs to be changed or removed due to being a short film. 

Short films are not released in the cinema hence why this needs to change.

Credits are yet to be added, as well as other social media logo's to be added.

The template and picture of Grimm however was exactly how I imagined and sketched.