Wednesday 25 October 2017

Feedback For REAPER First Edit

Teacher's Feedback

Above, is feedback I sought early from my teacher. From this, I will try to tackle all the advise given. The reason for this is because by looking at the specification and previous examiners reports, this feedback will ensure I meet the the specification for a level 4 grade. It will also amend our short film, so that are final piece can not be seen as an opening or trailer. 

In previous examiners reports they have stated that a large amount of the short films came across as an opening or a trailer. Therefore, we do not want to give any chance of the film being listed as an opening. The way this will be adjusted is that, we will add extra shots to create two parallel narratives going on at the same time, so that the story is clear by the end to the audience. This eliminates any uncertainty that lies within the audience of why the antagonist is there, or why the protagonist is doing the things she is. 

Furthermore, the reports have also 'red flagged'  the endings of the majority of short films. The problems that occur is that the ending doesn't make sense. Moreover,  they have also suggested that if there is too much of a cliff hanger, the viewers were confused. This leads it to the thought of being an opening rather than a short film. To then take this on board we will use extra shots of the outcomes of the antagonist attacks. Therefore, the ending will make sense as well as not leaving it on a cliff hanger, due to a possibility of it being portrayed as an opening.

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