Thursday 30 November 2017

The Ending Of REAPER

 The pictures to right are the sequence of how REAPER ends.

I was able to do this through many processes;

  • The newspaper free generator
  • Word document
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe after effects
  • Adobe Premiere

 I used the combination of these to create the impactful ending.

So firstly, I created the newspaper. But then took it to word in order to create a JPEG file.

After creating the JPEG, I took it to photoshop, to crop and adjust images.

I then moved images to after effects to add the glitch effect at the perfect time.

Lastly, once moved on the editing software, I ordered them in sequence and then added the effects and transitions between the still pictures.

Monday 27 November 2017

Creating The Newspaper - REAPER Ending

To the left is the first website which was free to use. This was a newspaper generator. Simply fill the boxes of the information you want and press create.

A newspaper headline and page will be created.

This was easy to use and generates the newspaper with the information you filled in.

 The picture to the left now, was the next website that created a newspaper.

Same process again, however, all boxes need to be filled.

The next picture below is a product of this website.

 This was the first product.

I particularly did not favour this newspaper.

It did not look real, however created a good template.
This is a product of the first website.

I prefered this one as had a more natural feel, and more realistic in comparison to how other films used this technique.

Therefore, I used this website and created my desired newspaper.

I then took this and edited it onto the end of REAPER, in addition to using after effects with with, to create the glitch theme throughout as well as effects to have an impact.

The mugshots of the Grace kids were still used. This was used to create further impact after the newspaper headline. This is now evident at the end of REAPER.

Further posts will show the newspaper used.

Friday 24 November 2017

UPDATE: Creating The REAPER Ending

After getting feedback from our teacher, the still frame of the news ending was an attempt to finish the narrative, however, it cannot work due to;
  • being a still frame, when it should be a rolling frame.
  • makes it look less professional.
Solutions and options that could be put in place;
  1. a newspaper with headline stating they are dead.
    • newspapers are still shots therefore would work. It is also evident in movies to show and inform the audience what happens.
  2. a news report this is a rolling shot.
    • hard to execute and look like a professional news station.
  3. a radio report.
    • need to find someone to do voice over to sound like they are on the radio.


After evaluating the three options, we asked peers and teachers who have  experience or interest in film, which the majority said that option one would look the most professional due to having seen it in previously in films they have watched.


We also believed option one would be most practicable. Therefore, we have gone forward and used this method. Further posts will show the new ending.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Creating The REAPER Ending

For the ending of REAPER, we needed to create an end, so that it satisfy the narrative and can conform narrative theories such as Todorov's equilibrium.

We brainstormed ideas, which we came to several options. However, we decided with the help of external opinions and feedback from are target audiences that a news headline or story will be the most effective whilst being the most professional looking solution.

The reason this solution was favoured other others was due to its practicality. For example, an alternative was having pictures of both them dead, which was had to execute and required a lot of fake blood etc. This meant that, not only would that have taken a large proportion of time, it would also be debatable whether it was worth it, considering that it was unlikely to look real.

The pictures to the left are the two pictures used for the characters mug shots to be shown on news. We cut down the picture to just be their faces, which having that low definition of picture quality had the effect of a real life new report due to the pictures they normally obtain are low resolution.

The first picture below shows the website I was able to create this template. This website was a free website that allowed to create your own breaking news and use for wherever you wish. As you can the picture I uploaded contains a lady, background and mug shots of character. However, this did not come together, I merged this onto one canvas using Adobe Photoshop.

In the bottom picture, you can see where I used Photoshop to remove backgrounds and merge the individual layers to create a news background. I then exported it as a jpeg, which then into Adobe Premier to place it at the end of REAPER, we then viewed how it would look, which we believe satisfies the narrative.

We will gain feedback from this ending and make any adjustments we agree with stated from our target audience.

Sunday 12 November 2017

Film Review - Second Draft Feedback & Analysis

The picture shows the handwritten feedback from a selected group. The information consist of their ages and their feedback from the second draft review. This could either positives & negatives or just what to add to suit the empire magazine better.

They are all familiar with the Empire magazine, if not they was available to see one in person whilst writing feedback for my review.

From their responses, I can summarise a lot of adjustments are needed to further be taken.

Firstly, we will keep the text the same. This is the size, style, font, colour etc.

Then what is needed to be added is;

  • Picture.
    •  a caption is also needed to support this.
  • Empire's logo.
  • Border.
    • same colour used in Empire magazine.
  • Date, at the bottom of the page.
  • Page number.
    • Top & Bottom.
      • Both in Empire style, top having line vertically beside it.
This feedback has allowed further adjustments to improve my review. Hopefully with this, my product will be the best it can be and will emblematize the conventions of Empire's magazine reviews.

A third review will now be created, which further feedback will be gathered to finalise the review.
Further posts will show the third draft of the review.

Saturday 11 November 2017

Film Review - Second Draft Primary Feedback Research

In the picture below is a student who has keen interest in films and media. For feedback of the second film review, I wanted to carry out more face to face feedback. For this I gathered a group of students in age range of 15-24 who are interested in media and films.

The reasoning for this is to gain more tailored results to finalise the adjustments needed for my film review for REAPER, in order to suit the style and conventions of Empire's magazine.

The picture shows one student analysing my review and about to write his feedback.

The responses and analysis will come in further posts.

Friday 10 November 2017

Film Review - Second Draft

Above is the second draft of my film review for REAPER.
As before, it still remains in Empire's magazine, which now with the feedback gained from the first draft questionnaire, I have updated the review to looked like the style of Empire.

I will again conduct further research, which will give me another set of responses to improve and change further aspects of the review.

This will be evident is further posts.

Saturday 4 November 2017

Film Review - First Draft Questionnaire Responses & Analysis

From our conducted survey to gain feedback on my first draft of REAPER's film review, we have gained insightful information from our audience.

Below is the feedback we received:
As you can see, the main ages who completed this survey was 15-24, which is very helpful due to being are target audience. Therefore, this means this feedback is vital to adjust our product to reach out to them. 

It also suggest they are following our social media pages because of where this questionnaire was accessible to complete.

It is then evident that the audience has generally seen a film review, in fact when looking at individual responses, the 15-24 audience are the ones who have read a film review, again another reason why this feedback is important as they know what to look for.

From the next question, the 3rd chart, you can see 50% have definitely read an Empire magazine and up to 90% could possibly read an Empire magazine. What this tells us is that, they will have knowledge of what in particular an Empire film review should look like, again valuable feedback.

The next question and it's response highlights that they do like the review but it does need work. There is still a high percentage who do not like it all though. Therefore, improvements are 100% needed.
The above set of responses then gives reasoning to what they like about it. The main message we get is to keep the layout and text styles the same when we go forward and make adjustments. Some didn't like anything, a small amount, however they state it is because it does not look like it belongs to empire.

From that point, we see that is clear in the next answer. It states it doesn't really look like it belongs to Empire. The conclusion from this is that we need to make it clearer and more alike to the style and methods of a review that is held in Empire's magazine.

The reasons why are stated by the audience below. This includes; The colour of the plot and verdict. Typically, the colour of Empire's plot, verdict and reviewer's name are all blue. This means this needs to be top of list to add. From that, we also need to add the reviewer's name. Again, the positives stated at this point still remain the layout and text of the review.
Final question. The answers here further state the plot, verdict and name of the reviewer should be added. In addition to this, they should all be blue in colour. There is also suggestions a picture is needed as well as a border.

In conclusion, this feedback was extremely important to now go on to improve our film review. I will prioritise the verdict, plot and names included in the review, which the colour of is integral to showcase a review of Empire's magazine.

Friday 3 November 2017

Film Review - First Draft Questionnaire.

Above is a questionnaire which has been created to gain feedback for our first draft of our film review.

This has been sent to many individuals and posted on our social media websites such as Facebook page for REAPER.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Film Review - First Draft

This is the first draft of the film review for REAPER. It belongs to an empire magazine and received a four star rating based on the context and reasons given within the text above.

We have now gone to external sources to gain feedback to then improve our review.