Tuesday 12 September 2017

Applying Audience Theories

Stuart Hall - Encoding & Decoding

The video below is a short film called 'Middle Passage'.

This short film dominant reading is that innocent people in African countries need our help when they immigrate or want to immigrate to our countries. This is because they have used sympathy to show they are innocent, making us believe they was in war zones and had poor living conditions etc. Therefore, the institution have tried to reach out to us as an audience to care for these immigrants and to discriminate them.

Otherwise, the negotiated reading for this text would be that they shouldn't have the same rights and allowed to immigrate to our country as it is against our laws. Even though they are only doing what's in their best interest and what we would most likely do, it is not fair if they are allowed but then harsh and a horrible act if we do not try to help them create a better lives.

Lastly, the oppositional reading would be that they shouldn't be allowed to immigrate false stop. We earnt our jobs and living and it is not fair if they come take our homes and jobs. They should just return to their country and leave ours alone instead of getting us involved.

Blumer & Katz - Uses & Gratification theory.

The short film below is called 'Globosome'.

This short film can be analysed by the uses and gratification theory by Blumer & Katz. In this short film the audience can use the text for escapism. This is because it is an animation meaning it escapes from the real world, therefore the audience will not feel any stress or feel any bad things in current life due to it not relating or anything to trigger them thoughts. Other ways the audience could use this text is through diversion due to it diverting from real life. This text cannot be used through comparing or counter cultural experience due to being an animation.

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