Saturday 9 September 2017

Mise-En-Scene in Horror/Thriller Films

Mise-en-scene in Horror/Thriller Films.

Costume and Make-up

Costumes in horror films are chosen depending on the type and sub genre of the horror film. For example, in the film, Scream(1996) the antagonist costume is black and has a mask which is screaming, the point of this is for black to represent night and danger also the screaming mask is clearly used to represent the film title and to mirror the deaths as they will be screaming. Also, black connotes death.

Make-up is often used in horror films to make characters appear tired or scared. It is also used to give a character some form of injury such as a cut or bruise, it can also be used to make a character to appear sweaty which allows the audience to get a sense of the struggle that the character has been through.


The setting for a horror film usually helps to generate the tension of a horror. The location is generally isolated and middle of no where. This to cut off the rest of the world so they are never going to be able to get help or help quick enough. Common locations in horror films include cabins, forests, and abandoned houses. However, horror films do also tend to take place in the characters home.

Also, nighttime is the most commonly use time for a horror film. This is so its dark and creates the sense of the unknown which builds more tension therefore making the film scarier and also the jump scares better.


Iconography is what we can see visually and what that represents, for example the colour red used in horror films are to represent blood and deaths, also red is also associated with anger which could relate to the antagonist but also the anger of the victim. Props are a vital part of a horror film as they are the hints that foreshadow a persons fate. Also, weapons connote danger therefore if we see weapons such as guns and knives we know that there will be violence and deaths. Weapons are often used in the slasher sub-genre as a way of identifying the killer in certain franchises.

Colour and Lighting

Dark lighting is often used in horror films to build up the atmosphere and an effective setting for jump scares. Horror films often use a digital colour corrector to make the film appear pale and cold. The use of colour and lighting helps to make the film more successful in scaring its audience as a universal fear of society is that of the dark and what hides in it. This creates the perfect setting for an unexpected jump scare due to the unknown. High key lighting is rarely used as it defeats the point of be scary, whereas low key lighting is used a lot as it adds to this sense of the unknown.


Effects in horror films are used to scare the audience by creating monsters, ghosts or really extreme deaths. Most horror films use CGI or digital retouching. Digital Effects are often used to create something that couldn't of been made without effects, such as ghosts.

Applied Example

In this trailer there is little make-up used, but where seen was hidden to keep the identity unrevealed. The make-up we saw was on the 'dead' people, such as the little boy buried in mud. This is good use of mise-en-scene because you cannot see his face making him more frightening. The costumes used in this film were also important to the story line. The clothes that are worn are all specifically chosen to represent the film is set in the past.

The setting of this film was clearly shown as an old, big and abandoned house which is in the middle of nowhere. This mise-en-scene is at its best ticking every box to create suspension due to be isolated, quiet and is always seen to be shown at night when its dark creating more uneasiness for the audience.

The lighting is always or pretty much of the time dark. This has been thought out due to being set in the past where the only source of lights were candles which are not very bright leaving dark shadows around pretty much all the time.

There was good use of iconography in this trailer. This is evident due to the massive use of the colour black. Black is the main colour seen at all times, which represent death, darkness and evil. The props of candles and horse & cart are also good iconography to represent its in the past.

Applying to my Main Brief

Applying my research here on mise-en-scene, its clear for horror films I need to find a location that isolates the victim, a dark setting, good use of available effects to create a frightening antagonist as well as the costumes representing clear ideas and characters, this is vital.

The idea we brainstormed, considering all factors, will be to use a house. This is due to the accessibility of the house to us, such as using one of our houses or the actors have also offered their location. This location is also commonly seen in horror/thriller films due to it isolating the victim.

Due to filming at night too, the location of a house is ideal as we can adjust the lighting to be effective. Therefore, we shouldn't have an issue with lighting either.

Lastly, costumes have been inspired by most horror/thriller films and that stereo typically our protagonist (victim) is in light clothing to highlight their purity and innocence. In addition, our antagonist will be in dark clothing to connote his evilness and danger. Moreover, our antagonist will have a mask to also emblematize his danger and scariness.

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