Saturday 2 September 2017

Genre Research: Horror/Thriller Codes

Codes of Horror Thrillers:

Codes are systems of signs, which create meaning. Codes can be divided into two categories – technical and symbolic.

Technical codes are all the ways in which equipment is used to tell the story in a media text, for example the camera work in a film.

Symbolic codes show what is beneath the surface of what we see. For example, a character's actions show you how the character is feeling.

Some codes fit both categories – music for example, is both technical and symbolic.

Technical Codes:

  • Canted Angles 
    • creates confusion and disorientation of character, making character vulnerable.
  • Tracking Shots (long)
    • creates suspense.
  • POV
    • creates a shaky shot, leaving us in the shoes of protagonist, feeling scared.
  • Focus
    • protagonist in foreground is clear whilst background is blurry, leaving audience frightened of unknown as cannot see movement clearly.
  • Extreme close-ups
    • shows emotions on face of characters, protagonist ear is shown, impacting on the audience's emotions.
  • Sudden Sounds
    • quiet scenes with a sudden sound to create a tension.
      • e.g. loud bangs, heartbeat (non-diegetic).
  • Pace of editing
    • Slow - creates tension as noting has happened for a while, therefore assuming something is about to occur.
    • Fast - increases heart beat. Gets audience on edge of seat, frightened.
Image result for close up horror thriller

Symbolic Codes:

  • Colours
    • Black - connotes death, evil, sense of unknown and/or darkness.
      • Audience takes in this factor and understand the purpose of black, therefore can understand it is a negative use, creating an unease.
    • Red - connotes blood, death, danger, murder etc.
      • Therefore, has been used again as audience can relate and understand it is a negative representation.
    • White - connotes purity and innocence.
      • Traditionally used for the protagonist, and typically female. Creates this sense of purity and that they are innocent leading to an inferior character.
  • Props
    • e.g. weapons
      • connotes violence and danger which eventually leads to death.
  • Character
    • actions
      • locking doors - shows scared, needs protection.
      • watching TV etc. - need distractions, shows frightened.

Image result for character locking door

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