Wednesday 6 September 2017

Focus Group

Focus Group

This focus group was great piece of research for our target audience. This helped towards planning and producing our opening. We first hear Joseph Hill state, "my favourite film is Insidious" which he then goes onto stating why, "jump moments every now and then"..."distractions, flowing conversation and then all of a sudden then the demon popped up behind his head", these quotes show that for teenagers that jump scares are the most successful for scaring the audience, as well as the supernatural/paranormal sub-genre appealing the most to teenagers.

The reason for this is that the percentage of peoples ages that attend the cinema rely on the youth audience. In the graph below it shows that ages of 15-24 appear at the cinema the most, being roughly 32% of the audience from 2003-2014. This means that, the data should be taken into account and that for a successful opening, aiming it at the interests of the youth will increase the likeliness of success.

Furthermore, another peer in the focus group said, "my favourite is the Shinning", explained by,"this is due to the use of sound as it creates tension. Sound is underrated, and without it, it is hard to create a successful film". These quotes help towards my research because we know that teenagers like the use of sound, and we will make sure sound is use well in order to fulfil these needs that the audience want/expect. This peer states that his favourite film is The Shinning, a horror/thriller film. This means that the teenage audience, our target audience favour the thriller/horror genre to those such as gore horrors.

This then leads to the fact that in the focus group, another teenager says, "avoid gore, not scary, the ones with anticipation and jump scares scare me more.", this further leads to aiming a horror sub-genre of thriller due to use of jump scares in that category. We also found out to completely avoid gore as teenagers are immune to that aspect meaning it would not be successful.

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